Service Learning

Floreat Service Learning Projects

The structure of each SLP follows a similar pattern, which ensures that pupils engage deeply with the project and aims to minimize administration for teachers. In any one SLP pupils go through each of the following stages:


Pupils investigate a cause or need within the community and plan the action they will take, considering what they need to do to get ready.  Examples for Early Years:  Finding out about a topic, writing invitations for guests and speakers, making shopping lists.


This is the part of the project when pupils actively participate in service. Examples:  A book or toy drive, gardening, hosting an event, visiting members of the community.


Where appropriate, there may be call for a celebration of the community’s achievement. The nature of the celebration will vary depending on the project undertaken. Example: A school gardening project might culminate in an event where the garden is opened to parents or peers in other year groups. In some instances, the action itself might double up as a celebration. Example: pupils hosting a tea party for their parents would count as both action and celebration. 


There are planned opportunities for cognitive and affective reflection throughout the SLP.  

Cognitive Reflection: What new knowledge and skills have been learnt?

Affective Reflection : How did I feel about…? What most surprised me about…?    

Examples of reflection exercises for Early Years:  class scrapbook, circle time, display, video diary, newsletter, assembly, performance